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Construction in Kazakhstan is one of the key sectors of the economy and one of the most attractive investment areas. This sector accounts for 5.6% of Kazakhstan’s GDP, and in terms of employment, the construction sector provides over 620 thousand jobs.

Kazakhstan’s moderate economic growth trends observed after the global crisis of 2015 had a positive impact on the construction sector. The increase in the volume of completed construction work in nominal terms since 2012 is on average 10%. At the same time, the largest increase was recorded in 2016 – 13.9%, which was largely facilitated by the construction of facilities of the International Exhibition EXPO-2017.

According to the results of the eleven months of 2019, the country completed construction work in the amount of 3.7 trillion tenge, an increase of 13.6% compared to the same period in 2018. Growth is observed in all main types of activities – the volume of construction and installation works increased by 11.4% (up to 3.2 trillion tenge), the growth of overhauls amounted to 16.9% (up to 279.3 billion tenge), and current repairs – 15 % (up to 265.6 billion tenge).

The most ambitious projects are the construction of transmission devices (gas pipelines, oil pipelines, etc.). For the eleven months of 2019, the volume of work and services performed amounted to 879.7 billion tenge.

Further, the most voluminous projects include the construction and repair of roads, railways and landing strips at airfields – the total cost amounted to 619.7 billion tenge. The top three large-scale projects are completed by the construction and repair of industrial buildings – the construction volume amounted to 522.2 billion tenge.

Less popular projects are the construction and repair of agricultural buildings (26.6 billion tenge) and the construction of hotels and restaurants (24.7 billion tenge).

Half of the volume of construction work falls on 4 regions – the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty, as well as Atyrau and Karaganda regions

At the same time, a fifth of the market is provided with construction in the Atyrau region – for eleven months of 2019, the volume of construction work amounted to 756.8 billion tenge.

The city of Nur-Sultan with the volume of work performed in the amount of 457.8 billion tenge, the Karaganda region (398.1 billion tenge) and the city of Almaty (297.7 billion tenge) are also leaders in terms of construction volume. In other regions, the indicator varies from 64 billion tenge to 247 billion tenge.

However, the city of Nur-Sultan is one of three regions in which the pace of construction has decreased – over the year, the decline was 1.6%. A more intense decline occurred in the city of Shymkent (-70.7%) and the Mangistau region (-21.3%).

The largest increase is in the Karaganda (105%) and Kyzylorda (87%) regions. Mostly growth is associated with the construction of the largest Saryarka gas pipeline.

While maintaining the actual cost of construction, 3.1 thousand more residential buildings were commissioned

For the eleven months of 2019, 39.5 thousand residential buildings were commissioned. The total area was 11.1 million square meters, which is 83.2 thousand square meters. more than a year earlier.
The most active construction is being carried out in the cities of Almaty (1.9 million sq. m.) And Nur-Sultan (1.4 million sq. m.), As well as in the Mangistau region (1 million sq. m.). At the same time, the city of Nur-Sultan became the only region in which the pace of construction fell immediately by 37.5%.
The largest growth in construction occurred in Turkestan (an increase of 32.1% to 495 thousand square meters), North Kazakhstan (an increase of 23.8% to 154 thousand square meters) and Almaty (an increase of 22, 6% to 837.2 thousand sq. m.) of the region.

According to the form of financing, the bulk of the housing was erected at the expense of private developers – about 9.9 million square meters. Budget funds put into operation 1.1 million square meters.


By the number of enterprises, the construction sector is second only to the trading sector

Among 439.8 thousand registered enterprises, 59 thousand are employed in the construction sector, of which 37.8 thousand are active. Most construction enterprises are small companies with up to 50 employees. There are 359 medium and 153 large ones.

The largest concentration of construction firms is concentrated in the cities of Nur-Sultan (14.4 thousand enterprises) and Almaty (11.4 thousand), then the rating includes Karaganda region (4 thousand), the city of Shymkent (3.5 thousand) and Mangistau region (3.1 thousand). The smallest number of enterprises is registered in Kostanay (1.4 thousand), Turkestan (1.2 thousand) and North Kazakhstan (748) regions.

Author of the article: Марсель Мухамбетов Articles (194)